1.used for introducing more examples of the type of person or thing that you have just mentioned
1.Everybody huddled with the body surface, such as loess, ashen face was that I was finally made a little solace.
2.In recent years the market performance to see, white wine and beer, wine, such as the result of the competition foreign wine is not ideal.
3.Such as you think best adapted to win the heart of a maiden.
4.Some turned into a bit of jade dust, smoke, or fog, such as dust, flying freely in the air.
5.How much of your China funding comes from multinationals in China such as Marriott and how much from Chinese businesses themselves?
6.The day is often associated with the colors orange and black, and is strongly associate with symbols such as the jack-o'-lantern.
7.Common name NOTE : The common name is usually comprised of your host computer name and the domain to which it belongs, such as xyz. com.
8.He said the San Francisco-based bank has already taken steps such as a freezing new hiring and posting jobs internally.
9.This article would not be complete if it failed to mention an alternative to parsing in the form of XML marshaling libraries such as Castor.
10.With, in malignity of you give such as the orchid buy how much, clear wench have to how much!